CISC 472 Schedule & Notes

Section  Week  Lecture Topic
X-Ray Jan 8 notesvideo X-ray/patient interactions
notesvideo Beer-Lambert law
notesvideo X-ray characteristics and risks
notesvideo Vectors and projections (ignore the graphics parts in the video)
notes Fourier Transform
CT Jan 15 notesvideo CTs and sinograms
notesvideo Filtered backprojection
notesvideo Iterative reconstruction
MRI Jan 22 notesvideo Spin and precession
notesvideo Magnetic resonance
notesvideo Relaxation
notesvideo Spin echo and gradient echo
notesvideo TR and TE
A1 due Friday Jan 26 at noon
Jan 29 notesvideo Inversion recovery
notesvideo Fourier transform
notesvideo Frequency encoding
notesvideo Phase encoding: Gradients and phase shift
notesvideo Phase encoding: Fourier decomposition
notesvideo Phase encoding: Amplitude and phase determination
notesvideo Phase encoding: Pulse sequences
PET powerpoint PET imaging. MLEM and OSEM reconstruction algorithms
Visualization Feb 5 notesvideo Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs
MIP, surface rendering, transfer functions
Segmentation Feb 12 notesvideo Segmentation
notesvideo Canny edge detection
notes (PDF) Gaussian Mixture Models
A2 due Friday Feb 16 at noon
Feb 19 Winter term break (no classes)
Point Registration Feb 26 notesvideo Hough transform
notesvideo Hough circle detection

We're moving into geometric operations this week. If you are not familiar with coordinate transforms or with homogeneous coordinates, or would like a review, please take a look the following notes and videos from CISC 454:
notesvideo Rotational transformations (CISC 454)
notesvideo Compositions of transformations (CISC 454)
notesvideo Homogeneous coordinates (CISC 454)
Here's this week's 472 material:
notesvideo Coordinate systems
notesvideo Geometric toolkit I
notesvideo Geometric toolkit II
Mar 4 notesvideo Least square problems
notesvideo RANSAC
notesvideo Procrustes method
Mar 11 notesvideo Iterated Closest Point
notesvideo Epipolar geometry
notes Stereo Tool Tracking (also in Epipolar Geometry video)
A3 due Friday Mar 15 at noon
Image Registration Mar 18 notesvideo Similarity measures
notesvideo Joint histograms
notesvideo Entropy
Mar 25 notesvideo Conditional Entropy
notesvideo Mutual information
notesvideo Optimization methods
2D/3D Registration Apr 1 notesvideo CT-to-Fluoro Registration
A4 due Friday Apr 5 at noon

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