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Hough Circle Detection

The Hough Transform can also be used to find circles.

While a line has two parameters ($\theta$ and $r$ in the previous discussion), a circle has three: $$r^2 = (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2$$

where $(a,b)$ is the circle's centre and $r$ is its radius.

This requires a three dimensional parameter space: $\langle a, b, r \rangle$.

The Hough transform lets each edge pixel vote for all the circles that it might lie on. An edge pixel at $(x_i,y_i)$ will vote for all points, $(a,b,r)$, in the parameter space that satisfy $r^2 = (x_i-a)^2 + (y_i-b)^2$.

For the lines in the previous discussion, each edge pixel voted for points on a sinusoid in the parameter space.

So ... what is the shape of the points voted for in the $\langle a, b, r \rangle$ parameter space?

For a fixed $r = \widehat{r}$, the shape $\widehat{r}^2 = (x_i-a)^2 + (y_i-b)^2$ consists of points $(a,b,\widehat{r})$ that lie on a circle of radius $\widehat{r}$, centred at $(x_i,y_i,\widehat{r})$ and lying in the $r = \widehat{r}$ plane.

A number of those circles of fixed $\widehat{r}$ are shown below:

vertical cone in <a,b,r> space

So an edge pixel $(x_i,y_i)$ votes for all $(a,b,r)$ on the surface of the cone shown above.

As with the lines, we have to discretize the $\langle a, b, r \rangle$ space into bins and add a vote to each bin that the cone intersects. We usually only look at a small range of $r$ values, so as to reduce the number bins required.

The bins, $(a_i,b_i,r_i)$, with the largest numbers of votes will be those corresponding to circles $r_i^2 = (x-a_i)^2 + (y-b_i)^2$ that were detected in the image.

Here's an example, from what-when-how, of the automatic detection of pupil size in an image of an eye:
Original image of eye Edge pixels from Canny One 2D slice of 3D accumulator array Detected circles
an eye Canny edge detection of eye one 2D slice of 3D Hough transform of eye eye with detected circles superimposed

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