"soft" = low energy; "hard" = high energy
As the beam with a spectrum of energies passes through the patient, low energy photons are absorbed more easily, leaving more high energy in the spectrum.
This means that tissue near the surface gets more attenuation, and deep tissue gets less.
The consequences are: (a) most damage near the skin (which is also sensitive to radiation damage); and (b) poorer imaging of deep tissue.
This is like an "aerial perspective" effect, but with a different mechanism:
"Noise" is variance in the measured signal with respect to the true signal.
Usually modelled with a zero-mean Gaussian, unless there's bias.
"SNR" is the signal-to-noise ratio. This is ${P_\textrm{signal} \over P_\textrm{noise}} = ({A_\textrm{signal} \over A_\textrm{noise}})^2$ where $P$ is power and $A$ is amplitude.
SNR is proportional to ${1 \over \sqrt{N}}$, for $N$ = the number of photons, so quadrupling the number of photons will only halve the noise (i.e. the variance).
Consequences: Image noise can be reduced with more photons, which can be achieved with more photon flow (more mA) or with a higher xray energy (higher keV), since the number of photons is also proportional to $(kV)^3$. But higher keV photons don't interact as much with tissue, so don't help too much.
On the X-ray machine, three things can be adjusted to determine dose:
Comes from non-point-source of xrays.
Comes from patient motion.
"Contrast" is the difference in appearance of different tissues in the xray image.
Different materials have different absorption profiles:
The "mass attenuation coefficient" above, ${\mu \over \rho}$, has the linear attenuation coefficient, $\mu$ in cm$^{-1}$, from the Beer-Lambert law and has the material density, $\rho$ in g/cm$^3$.
There is a greater attenuation difference between materials at low energies.
Consequence: Image contrast can be improved with lower kV. However, lower-energy photons are more easily stopped by tissue, so this is at the cost of a higher dose.
The "k-edge" is the energy required to dislodge an innermost (k orbital) electron from an atom. This is also the most likely energy at which the photoelectric effect (i.e. absorption) occurs.
Other edges exist at lower energies: The leftmost edge below is the "l-edge" for Iodine. If the x-ray photon energy is greater than the binding energy of the k-orbital electrons, the k-orbital electrons are more likely to be dislodged.
Iodine and barium have k-edges at 33 keV and 37 keV, respectively, which are in middle of the typical xray spectrum.
Consequence: Iodine and barium make good constrast agents.
Some different tissues with different absorption spectra:
Some particle names:
Risks are mainly to operators since they get so much exposure. Risk to patients is usually lower.
Recall that xray/patient interactions consist mainly of:
Ionization (the gain or loss of electrons) can cause molecules to break apart.
The photoelectric effect is proportional to $({Z \over E})^3$ (for $Z$ = atomic number and $E$ = energy).
Consequence: A higher energy beam results in a lower dose.
"Kerma" mean "kinetic energy released in matter" and is the sum of kinetic energy of all charged particles released at the inital xray interaction. Kerma decreases approximately exponentially with depth in a homogeneous material (from Beer-Lambert) and is maximum at the surface.
[ radiologykey.com ]
Dose = energy/mass (J/kg) = energy deposited by ionization and excitation. This depends on the flux of free electrons.
The Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) curve shows how much of the energy is absorbed at each depth. (The "percentage" is the percentage of the absorption at the depth of maximum absorption.)
The PDD curve depends on
[ radiologykey.com ]
Xray interactions can release more electrons that travel predominantly forward along original xray path. These electrons cause further damage at deeper depths.
Consequence: Dose (i.e. damage) increases with depth until damage from initially released energy and damage from accumulated forward energy is maximized. After that point, damage decreases approximately exponentially.
Higher-energy x-rays are more "skin sparing" at the maximum dosage is farther below the surface.
Absorbed dose is measured in "Grays" (Gy). 1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 rad
The effective dose is measured in "Seiverts" (Sv), also in J/kg, and is the absorbed dose scaled by a factor, $q$, to take into account the effect of the dose on tissue.
A 1 Sv dose corresponds to a 5.5% chance of developing cancer in a lifetime.
The factor, $q$, depends on radiation type (e.g. alpha, beta, gamma) and tissue type (e.g. stomach, bladder, bone).
Some tissue weighting factors for $q$:
stomach | .12 |
bladder | .04 |
bone | .01 |
Some radiation-type weighting factors for $q$:
alpha | 20 |
beta | 1 |
gamma | 1 |
xray | 1 |
proton | 2 |
Some exposures levels:
dental xray | 0.005 mSv (= 1 day background radiation) |
chest xray | 0.1 mSv (= 10 days background radiation) |
torso CT | 13 mSv (= 4-5 years background radiation (adds 1/1000 or 1/10000 cancers)) |
See the XKCD radiation dose chart.
An estimated 0.4% of cancers are due to CT imaging in the US (from wikipedia).
Types of damage are: