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CT Imaging Iterative Reconstruction


Filtered Backprojection (FBP) is the analytical method discussed in the previous lecture.

FBP is computationally cheap, but is susceptible to noise, especially with low dosage or with large subjects.

FBP also relies on regular arrangment of rays and is much more complicated for fan- or cone-beams.

Iterative Reconstruction (IR) was originally proposed in 1970, but not used back then as it was very computationally expensive.

IR methods:

ART - Algebraic Reconstruction Technique

For the $i^\textrm{th}$ ray, $r_i$, the measured attenuation is $\rho_i$:

$\rho_i = \int \mu(t) \; dt$

over the path of $r_i$.

Let $f(x,y)$ by the 2D slice or $f(x,y,z)$ be the 3D body. In either case, $f$ is divided into pixels (2D) or voxels (3D) and these elements are labelled sequentially:

$f_1, f_2, f_3, \ldots, f_N$

for $N$ elements in all.

$f_j$ is the attenuation (measured in absorption per length) in the $j^\textrm{th}$ element.

Here are $N$ elements and a ray, $r_i$:

There are $M$ rays. For ray $r_i$, let $w_{ij}$ be the weight of element $f_j$ with respect to $r_i$. That is, $w_{ij}$ is the relative importance of $f_j$ to the attenuation computation along $r_i$:

$\rho_i = w_{i1} f_1 + w_{i2} f_2 + \ldots + w_{iN} f_N = \sum_j w_{ij} f_j$

If ray $r_i$ does not intersect element $f_j$, the corresponding weight is zero: $w_{ij} = 0$.

If the weight, $w_{ij}$, is the length of the intersection of ray $r_i$ with element $f_j$, then

$w_{ij} \times f_j = $ (length) $\times$ (attenuation per length)

which is the total attenuation along $r_i$ as it passes through $f_j$.

There are $N$ unknowns (the $f_1, \ldots, f_N$) and $M$ equations (one for each of the rays: $r_1, \ldots r_M$):

$W \; f = \rho$

where $W$ is a $M$-row by $N$-column matrix of the $w_{ij}$, $f$ is a $N$-row vector of the $f_j$, and $\rho$ is a $M$-row vector of the $\rho_i$.

$ \left[ \begin{array}{ccccccc} w_{11} & w_{12} & w_{13} & \cdots & w_{1N} \\ w_{21} & w_{22} & & & \vdots \\ w_{31} \\ \vdots \\ w_{M1} & \cdots & & & w_{MN} \end{array} \right] \; \left[ \begin{array}{c} f_1 \\ f_2 \\ \vdots \\ f_N \end{array} \right] \; = \; \left[ \begin{array}{c} \rho_1 \\ \rho_2 \\ \rho_3 \\ \vdots \\ \rho_M \end{array} \right] $

This is a big system of linear equations, and can be solved by many methods.

But it's too big (e.g. $M = 512 \times 512 = 262144$ columns in matrix) to solve by anything other than an iterative method.

Kaczmarz's Method

Consider the problem $W \; f = \rho$ with known $W$ and $\rho$, and unknown $f$.

Let $f^{(k)}$ be the $k^\textrm{th}$ approximation to the solution, $f$.

Kaczmarz's method computes successive approximations $f^{(1)}, f^{(2)}, f^{(3)}, \ldots$.

Each $f^{(k)}$ is a point in an $N$-dimensional space of solutions.

Each row of $W \; f = \rho$ is a plane equation:

$\displaystyle\rho_i = w_1 f_1 + w_2 f_2 + \ldots + w_N f_N = \sum_j w_{ij}\ f_j = w_i \cdot f$

To compute $f^{(k+1)}$ from $f^{(k)}$, the point $f^{(k)}$ is projected onto the "next" plane. Then $f^{(k+1)}$ is projected onto the next plane after that, and so on.

The initial $f$ is typically $0$. The method iterates through one equation row (i.e. plane), then the next equation row (i.e. plane), and so on.

Point Projection

To project a point, $f$, onto a plane $w \cdot f = \rho$:

If we are projecting onto the $i^\textrm{th}$ row:

$f^{(k+1)} = f^{(k)} - { f^{(k)} \cdot w_i - \rho_i \over w_i \cdot w_i } \; w_i $

Above, $\Delta f = { f^{(k)} \cdot {w_i \over |w_i|} - {\rho_i \over |w_i|}}$ is the error distance (along ray $r_i$) between the projection, $f^{(k)} \cdot {w_i \over |w_i|}$, of our current solution and the observed projection, $\rho_i$.

That error, $\Delta f$, is normalized with respect to $|w|$ and is then distributed over the $f$ in proportion to the normalized element weights, $w_i \over |w|$.


Ideally, $w_{ij}$ is the area of intersection of $f_j$ with the beam of non-zero width of ray $r_i$. But length works as well, and the units of $f_j$ in "absorption per length" match when using length.

To simplify (for faster computation), we can approximate $w_{ij}$ as

$w_{ij} \approx \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \textrm{if beam crosses "near" centre of } f_j \\ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.$


Iterate through rays in random order, since $r_i$ and $r_{i+1}$ are almost the same and the projections onto the corresponding planes do not differ very much.

SIRT - Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique

SIRT does the same as ART, but stores corrections in a separate $f'_j$.

After corrections for all rays projections are stored, add the average correction in $f'$ to $f$.

Smoother images.

SART - Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique

As with SIRT, store corrections for later update.

Use bilinear pixel bases, rather than box bases.

Ideally, weight each pixel by area of the (non-zero width) ray crossing it:

Instead, weight by length of the (zero-width) ray crossing it.

Further approximate by taking many samples, $s_{i0}, s_{i1}, s_{i2}, \ldots$ along the ray $r_i$, spaced by $\Delta s$.

Then $w_{ij} = \Delta s \; \sum_k (\textrm{weight of sample } s_{ik} \textrm{ in bilinear basis function at } f_j)$

(heuristic) Apply Hamming window to give more weight near centre of ray.

(heuristic) Restrict rays to circle around rotational centre.

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