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Surface Representations

Triangle meshes

Vertices have position, normal, colour, texture coordinates, etc.

Stanford bunny

Quad meshes

Surface is

$S(u,v) = \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{j=1}^\ell R_{ij}(u,v) \; P_{ij}$

from Blenderfrom 3dsMax

Point-based representation

Rendered as a small disk, with lighting

Image from "Interpolatory Refinement for Real-Time Processing of Point-Based Geometry" by Guennebaud, Barthe, and Paulin, EuroGraphics 2005

Volumetric Representations

Tetrahedral mesh

Image mesh from hal.inria.fr/inria-00417371

Constructive solid geometry

Image from wikipedia.org

3D scalar fields (e.g. CT, MRI)

A 3D array of scalar values

From cabiatl.com/mricro/mricro/render

Triangle Meshes

Representation 1: Polygon Soup

List of vertices: $v_0, v_1, v_2, \ldots$

List of faces: $f_0, f_1, f_2, \ldots$

$v_i$ has position $(x,y,z)$, normal $(n_x, n_y, n_z)$, colour $(r,g,b)$, texture coordinates $(s,t)$.

$f_i$ has vertices $v_{i_0}, v_{i_1}, v_{i_2}$ and normal $n$.

Render by (slowly) iterating through all faces.

Representation 2: Winged Edge

Good for topological queries (e.g. what faces are adjace to a vertex, what edges are around a face (in order)).

Edges are unidirectional.

Each edge $e_L$ stores pointers to:
$v_T$tail vertex
$e_R$twin edge in other direction
$f_L$face to left of edge
$e_{ccw}$next outgoing edge counterclockwise at tail vertex

Each face $f$ stores a pointer to any adjacent edge.

Each vertex $v$ stores a pointer to any adjacent outgoing edge.


head(e) = e.twinEdge.tailVertex

right(e) = e.twinEdge.leftFace





Topological Surgery

E.g. Collapse edge $e$

Representation 3: Triangle Strips

Rendering $n$ triangles using "triangle soup" processes $3n$ vertices.

Using $k$ triangle strips for the same $n$ triangles processes $n + 2k$ vertices: $2$ to start the strip plus $1$ more for each triangle on the strip.

Covering a triangle mesh with a minimum number of strips is NP-hard.

To render, openGL needs to know whether the next triangle is to the right or the left exit from the current triangle:

Option 1: Add a bit to indicate left or right.

Option 2: Assume alternating left, then right, then left, etc.: Sequence is $v_0, v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_9$.

Option 3: Add empty triangles: Sequence is $v_0, v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_7$.

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