Forward shading is the standard technique which computes pixel shading is a single pass:
Deferred shading is a multipass rendering technique that stores information or computes quantites in early passes, then provides a pixel colour in the final pass. The final colour is computed using the results from earlier passes.
Deferred lighting is like deferred shading, but computes specular and diffuse shading separately, then combines those in a final pass.
An OpenGL framebuffer object, or FBO, has multiple buffers (i.e. arrays of data) and stores the output of the fragment shader.
Each buffer has the same dimensions as the window. The output of the fragment shader is stored in the buffer at the same coordinates as the fragment in the window. The output of the fragment shader is usually a colour, which is stored in the "back colour buffer" at the fragment's position.
The default FBO has
An FBO can also contain any data buffers, which can hold things such as normals, material properties, depths, and so on between passes.
The depth buffer is part of the FBO. The depth buffer, $D(x,y)$, stores the depth of the closest fragment processed so far, at each $(x,y)$ position. The depth is smaller for closer fragments.
Since many triangles in scene may overlap the pixel at $(x,y)$, there may be many fragments that are processed at that pixel. $D(x,y)$ is the depth of the closest of those many fragments that have been processed so far.
When a fragment at position $(x,y)$ outputs a colour and/or data, the fragment's depth, $d$, is compared to the value in the depth buffer at the fragment's position. The fragment is discarded if its depth is greater than or equal to the depth stored in the depth buffer at the fragment's position. In this case, its output values are not written to the FBO.
if d >= D(x,y) discard fragment else D(x,y) = d
If the fragment is closer than the closest fragment so far, its depth, $d$, is written to the depth buffer and the fragment colour and/or data are written to the FBO.
The depth test ensures that only the closest fragments are shown on the screen after all fragments have been processed. These are the fragments that are visible from the eye.
A geometry buffer, or g-buffer, is another name for the data buffers described above. A g-buffer stores information from intermediate passes in textures on the GPU. These texture are part of the framebuffer object.
The fragment shader can output to these textures, rather than to the usual back colour buffer.
The fragment shader also can read from these textures. To do so, the fragment shader needs to know its screen-space coordinates, $(x,y)$, in $[0,1] \times [0,1]$, so that it reads from the correct position (i.e. the fragment's position) in the texture.
G-buffers typically store colour, normals, depth, but can also store $k_s$, $n$, and other material properties.
Create g-buffers that are the same dimensions as the window to store $k_s$, $k_d$, and $n$ (the specular exponent), and the normal $N$. These are set up with OpenGL in a framebuffer object
Just as the GPU shows only the fragment closest to the eye (using its z-buffer depth testing), the GPU keeps only the material values that correspond to the closest fragments.
So, after pass 1, the g-buffers will contain the material properties of the fragments closest to the eye.
The fragment shader looks up the material properties, computes Phong illumination, and outputs the resulting colour to the framebuffer for display.
This two-pass rendering means that the Phong computation will be done only for visible pixels. With the usual "forward rendering", that computation is done for all fragments, including potentially many, many hidden fragments.
The FBO in pass 1 had buffers for the $k_s$, $k_d$, $n$, and the normal, $N$. The FBO in pass 2 was the default FBO, since the output of the pass 2 fragment shader was displayed on the window.
Note that the depth test can be disabled in pass 2 because only a single quad is being drawn on the screen, so there is exactly one fragment for each pixel.
Cast shadows are shadows that are cast from one object onto another, or from one part of an object onto itself.
Self-shadowing occurs when the surface points away from the light, causing it to be darker.
Cast shadows can be rendered with deferred shading, using two passes:
Each fragment will need to know its 3D position in the world coordinate system, so the vertex shader should compute the vertex's world coordinates and pass them to the fragment shaders as smooth variables.
In the fragment shader, transform the world coordinates of the fragment into the clipping coordinate system of the light. From that determine the fragment's depth, $d$, in the range $[0,1]$. Also determine the position, $(x,y)$, of the fragment in the range $[0,1] \times [0,1]$.
Look the depth recorded in $G(x,y)$. That is the depth of the closest fragment seen by the light at position $(x,y)$, which is the position of the current fragment. If the depth, $d$, of the current fragment is greater than $G(x,y)$, there is another fragment that is closer to the light, so the current fragment is in shadow and its output colour should be made dimmer.
If the light is directional, orthographic projection should be used to transform world points into the clipping coordinate system of the light. If the light is a point source, perspective projection should be used.
Below: The scene with a yellow line from a directional light.
Below: The scene rendered from the light source using orthographic projection. All of the shadows are hidden underneath the objects.
Below: The depth buffer as rendered from the light source using orthographic projection. Darker fragments have smaller depth, so are closer.